Babybolat(Mijabolat) dh selamat melahirkan Si Bolat Boy pukul 10.40 mlm..Alhamdulillah normal n berat Si Bolat 3.09 kg hehe..Thniah Joe n mirza..Eppi 4 both of U
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Si Bolat dh selamat kuar
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9:10 AM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tayar Kete - 06/04/09
Nk kate sedey,xdela sdey pn..nk kate terkjt,pn x terkjt..Huhu xtau nk describe perasaan bile tayar kete ne curi..yg terpk di pale tu ms kejadian em tula xdgr ape hubby pesan..Wt x endah haaahha..nk gk parking kt citu.Tp smua tu dh jd bubur pn..Salah kn diri sndiri je huhuh..
Bulan lps dh ade beberape kete ne curi tayar..Then bulan ni,giliran kete aku lak hahah..Dhla ms tu aku pose n mmg berharap sgt smpi umah dgn aman n tenang coz really tired sgt that day..On da way berjln ke parking kete,dr jauh dh nmpk kete aku senget semacam je..Em aduss ilang tyr ni..Mase tu ade 5 kete lain yg turut ilang tayar.Jom ahh tgk gmbr emm.Ceh pose2 n pnt pn, snap ttp snap hehe
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11:42 AM